No matter what your product or service offering may entail, generating online reviews is something you’ll need to make regular time for from the moment your new website launches.Online reviews are one of the main foundations of online success so pouring time and effort into obtaining a steady stream of great reviews is an absolute must. Whether your new website design is for a local bar or restaurant, an ecommerce retailer or a service provider, you can follow these suggestions for generating five star reviews.
1. Just ask! Today’s online shoppers rely on reviews they find on the Internet as much as previous generations would have relied on a recommendation from a friend, family member, colleague or neighbour. With this reliance on reviews comes a willingness to leave them too – in fact, 68% of shoppers will provide a review when asked. That makes asking your first course of action.Get into the habit of reaching out to customers promptly after they have purchased from your or used your service. You can automate this process using an email marketing tool, appoint someone in your team to manually reach out or have your web designer add a review plug in for your ecommerce store. 2. Register on a review site To generate more online reviews you’ll need to register on a few review platforms. There are lots of dedicated platforms springing up but it’s worth focusing on the most well-known ones first and any specific to your industry. If you’re in the travel or hospitality business, it would make sense to nurture TripAdvisor reviews for example. TrustPilot is well known and Facebook is also becoming an important source of online reviews. You’ll need to manually turn on reviews from your Page settings. 3. Make it easy To get as many reviews as possible, you’ll need to make it as easy as possible for customers to share their thoughts and experience. When you are registered on sites like TrustPilot and TripAdvisor, link to your review pages from your website. You can also include links in email footers, on transactional emails such as shipping confirmations sent from your online store and on your website itself. 4. Respond to all reviews The speed with which you respond to reviews is a known local SEO ranking factor so when you do get a review on say your Google My Business profile, get in to the habit of replying to it promptly. This also shows other customers you value their feedback, making them more likely to share their own experiences.
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