Building a personal brand is for everyone – and it’s something well worth giving some thought to as you start out on your journey with our mobile app business opportunity. In fact, personal brand building is something most of us do without even realising it. Consider your social media profiles. While you may not be consciously doing it, everything you post, every piece of information about you and your life or opinion you share is part of building an outward perception of who you are.
Generationally, we should actually be more in tune with personal brand creation given how comfortable many of us now are with sharing and expressing ourselves publicly via social media.
What is also important to remember in professional terms is that if you fail to create your own personal brand, others will essentially create it for you based on what information is available. So actually, building a strong personal brand is about taking control of how others perceive you.
Your own personal brand and your industry or professional ideology will allow you and your new app development start-up business to stand out from the crowd and win new clients. It can also be helpful for building your online presence as a business and becoming established as an expert in your field – all of which can lead to more clients, more accolades and more professional success as an app developer.
Building a personal brand is about controlling what other see. So, you need a space to work in that you are able to control. Social media is a great place to start and of course from a purely professional aspect, LinkedIn is one of the obvious platforms to use. You should also consider what other social media profiles you can leverage and if you are able to either separate or comfortably merge your personal and professional life in terms of social platform usage.
If you can’t separate them and your personal life does not comfortably match up with the perception you’d like to create for yourself professionally, then you’ll need to consider making your personal accounts as private as possible. Videos of you out cow tipping at 3am aren’t going to help your authority. It’s worth creating professional profiles for you as an app developer as an extra account. Instagram for example will easily allow you to have multiple accounts and that way you can keep the holiday snaps and your proudest beans on toast moments to yourself while also having a profile which allows you to express yourself professionally and extend your reach.
For those a little bolder, consider starting your own blog. For the very confident among you, go ahead and use your own name as your domain or as close as you can with a little creativity. Otherwise you can give your personal brand its own name. Just make sure it’s relevant to you, your industry and essentially the kind of content you expect to produce for it.
Expressing yourself can be daunting - start small but ultimately talk about what you know. If you want to be noticed you need to give your audience something to notice, so even if you’re simply commenting or summarising recent trends or news, do that and build as you go.
Don’t forget to share – those social media accounts we just mentioned are your platform to begin drawing attention to the space you have created for yourself.
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