Email marketing is often referred to as one of the most successful of marketing mediums, capable of generating excellent ROI for brands. But, whether you have just had a new business website designed or rolled out your new ecommerce site a couple of months ago, getting your web visitors to part with their email address can be a tricky business. So, how can you ensure that your visitors trust you with their contact info and hit subscribe to allow you to reach out in future? Try a few of our useful tips to get started…
1. Have a clear sign up form on your most traffic-heavy pages For most websites, the home page will be the page that receives the most traffic. If you’re looking to grow your email list it makes sense to have a prominent subscription box on this page. This could be in the form of a pop up (though some user’s find these annoying and they aren’t great for mobile sites) or as a box or call out in the side bar.Add an email subscription box to your blog and other well trafficked pages too. Making it obvious how to sign up is the first step to growing those lists. 2. Offer an incentive You need to give your site visitors a reason to trust you with their email address. Give them something to incentivise that submission. This could take many forms, such as a competition, a giveaway or a downloadable such as an eBook or white paper. Offering a reason to subscribe is an easy way to organically grow your list over time. Keep in mind that the incentive should be refreshed periodically otherwise growth will drop off as everyone interested in that initial incentive will have already subscribed. 3. Make your data privacy policy easily accessible and clear We all hate spam and the thought of being besieged by junk mail can put some off subscribing. To allay fears and ensure you are compliant in the post-GDPR era, make sure you have a very clear data policy. This should be easily accessible on your site for anyone who’s interested. Ensure the policy states that email addresses won’t be sold or passed to third parties, will only be used for the purposes stated and that the user can unsubscribe at any time. 4. Be proactive at events If you’re attending an exhibition or trade show, a simple addition to your stand can help grow your lists throughout the course of the event. Simply have a tablet or two on stand where visitors can sign up to receive your news and offers. You should find that your lists grows quite a bit over this period.
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