Bounce rates measure the number of times that visitors to your website leave before clicking on any other pages or content. A bounce rate of between 41 and 55 percent is the average but companies strive to get it even lower in order to generate more leads and maximise conversion figures. Whether you’re planning to start a new online company or you’ve noticed an increased bounce rate on your existing website, these tips will help you keep things under control.
Better landing pages Landing pages play a vital role in the conversion process and will often be the deciding factor for whether or not a visitors stay on your website. The number of landing pages you have will depend on the size of your website and the nature of your business but research has shown that websites with more than 40 landing pages get 12 times more leads on average. However, it’s not all about quantity. Focus on creating clean, landing pages that are easy to navigate and entice the user to explore. Video content Research suggests that web pages with interactive video content or explanatory animations keep the attention of browsers more effectively. This is why more companies are beginning to include these in many of their landing pages. Precise, high-quality videos are a great way of introducing new visitors to your brand. They also make it easier for browser by compiling all of the important information into one easily digested package. Web page legibility One of the common causes of high bounce rates is poor quality text. A lack of attention to the layout, font, colour and style of the copy on your website can have a big impact on the user experience. If a consumer lands on your website and is confronted with large chunks of text that are hard to decipher, they are much less likely to venture further. Adverts and pop-ups While advertising is an essential part of generating revenue for many websites, it is important to get the balance right and not to disrupt the user experience unnecessarily. Well-placed and undisruptive adverts are fine but avoid using pop-ups that ambush the user as soon as they visit your site. Call to action Having a clear call to action button is essential if you’re trying to reduce bounce rates and entice more users onto other areas of your website. Market research has shown that a call to action which is seen within three seconds can generate more leads and lower average bounce rates.
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