In the wake of recent data breaches and personal information scandals such as the Cambridge Analytica breach, digital companies like Facebook are investing more efforts into reassuring users their data is safe. In addition, the introduction of GDPR is putting more pressure on companies to improve data security. Here are some of the ways in which you can ensure your app business is protecting user information.
Data scrambling
While it’s vital that you integrate secure perimeters around user information within your app, sometimes those with ill-intent can find their way in. If this happens, it can help to store information in a way that is useless to any malicious software programs or hackers. Using complex mathematical equations to store data within your app will make it increasingly difficult for others to read or interoperate user information.
Secure foundations
It may seem like an afterthought to many developers but it’s essential that you are thinking about data security throughout the entire development process when creating your app. Particularly when developing native apps, it’s vital that you integrate security protocols into the source code in order to protect user data and app integrity once it is installed on mobile devices. Whether you are developing your own source code from the ground up or using a pre-designed foundation, you need to ensure that proper encryptions have been put in place.
Back office connections
Cloud servers can leave many app companies open to malicious attacks and have been the doorway for a number of hackers in recent years. In order to protect the integrity of your app and reduce the risk of any personal information leaking, it’s vital that you maintain high security standards on the back-end. This means using reliable and highly secure servers and generating encrypted connections. There are several ways to ensure that your servers are secure and there are a number of services available that you can subscribe to.
Regular maintenance
In the world of data protection and digital security, it’s essential that you stay up to date with current events. Things are always changing and hackers are always finding new ways to access sensitive information. It’s vital that you always perform regular security checks to ensure that your app is still secure. Working with professional digital security advisors can help you stay on top of things and allow for constant security maintenance.
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