Over the last few decades the humble mobile phone has changed beyond recognition. From the large handsets with tiny aerials and big buttons of the 80’s to the wafer thin, ultra-connected, voice-assistant powered smartphones of today, technology has evolved at a lightning pace.
One of the biggest innovations of the last decade is Near Field Communication (NFC), a wireless technology that can now be found in most mobile devices. It took a while for NFC to be widely adopted but these days, you’ll struggle to find a new device that doesn’t feature it. So, what exactly is NFC and why has it become an essential feature to any new mobile device?
Defining NFC
Near Field Communication is a type of wireless signal that allows electronic devices to communicate instantly through a short-range wireless connection. In smartphones, NFC is typically used to connect to other devices or instigate a pre-set profile. For example, you can connect to an NFC-enabled Bluetooth speaker simply by tapping your phone on it.
A common misconception is that NFC creates a continuous connection, similar to Bluetooth. In fact, NFC in action is actually an instant sharing of data. Think of it this way; Bluetooth is the connection that allows you to stream music but NFC is what tells your phone to turn your Bluetooth on and connect to a device. A great example of the basic use of NFC is found inside an Oyster Card. Used for tap and go train, bus and underground London travel. The same process can be found in the trending contact-less payment cards for making small value purchases without so much as a pin being entered.
The NFC Advantage
The best thing about NFC technology is how quick and convenient it is. The instant connection powered by NFC means you can quickly and easily share data between devices. Previously, you’d need to manually turn on your Bluetooth, connect to the other device and send the desired files. Thanks to NFC, that same sequence of events happens by doing nothing more than tapping the two devices together.
The convenience of an instant connection makes NFC ideal for use in a number of applications, which is why it’s been integrated and adopted by so many processes over the years.
Mobile Payments
The banking sector has welcomed the use of NFC and has invested millions into contact-less payment technology. The ability to pay for things instantly and securely with your mobile phone has revolutionised the retail industry and decreased the time that shoppers have to wait in queues. It also builds in to the vision for a singular device world in which mobile devices can be used for managing virtually your entire life. A phone, a watch, a camera, internet connection and with time, even a complete replacement for your traditional wallet.
App Developer Innovation
NFC has opened so many doors for app developers and companies looking to make their mark on the app store. The convenient, quick connection means that applications designed to share data can utilise NFC in order to increase speed and improve service, appealing to more users.
Loyalty schemes, customer recognition, easy payments, check-in and reservations all at a tap. Intelligent app developers are using NFC to build superior convenience into their apps.
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