If you are having a new website design created for you, it’s time to go full steam ahead with content creation. Before you rush off to write as many blog posts as possible, consider the following tried and tested content formats which are known to be powerful local SEO performers. For bricks and mortar businesses, local SEO is a very worthwhile activity, especially if you are in the process of having a new business website designed, with research showing that local searches have a much higher purchase intent than traditional searches and in around 75% of cases, lead to a store visit.So what types of content can help you drive more foot fall to your location from your website?
1. Local landing pages When you’re having your new website designed and built for you, it is highly advisable to build in local landing pages to your site structure. You should create a local landing page for each of your physical locations. It goes without saying that each page should be totally unique. You may choose to add a map plug in to this page but you should also ensure your full address including post or zip code is written on the page too along with an overview of what products or services are on offer at that location. 2. Discounts or offers All shoppers love a bargain but did you know you could factor this type of content into your local SEO content plan? Consider adding a new page to your site which showcases your best money off coupons, special deals or offers. Of course, you need to play up the local angle in your content so be sure to incorporate your town or city into the content and emphasise that this is a special offer for shoppers or visitors in that area. 3. Location-themed blog content Creating location-themed blog content shouldn’t be too much of a challenge as you will naturally have lots to shout about! You could do a day-in-the-life feature, FAQs, new product or service announcement, profile different staff members, preview upcoming events… the possibilities are endless. 4. Create a local events calendar If you can, hosting your own local event will provide you with bags of material for locally themed content to give your local SEO a boost. You can also create a local events calendar and team up with local businesses or organisations to compile a diary of can’t miss events.
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