It’s not all just about acquiring more traffic. The key to driving effective traffic to a site is the targeting. Driving users who are the right demographic or in the right frame of mind to convert is often more effective than simply striving for a greater overall volume of visits. A small increase in conversion rate for the same volume of visits is very often more profitable and less resource heavy than a quantities approach.All in all, driving more targeted traffic is an intelligent approach to traffic generation vs simply looking at this target in terms of volume. Your online business will perform better as a result of receiving more targeted traffic, there’s no two ways about it. Here are 3 ways you can start to drive more targeted web traffic to your site.
Focus on niches and longtail keywords in
paid search
Modern day paid search is a tough and highly competitive landscape in which
the big boys have all but entirely monopolised most of the big generic keyword
choices in any given industry. Investing in the longer tail, more specific
keyword groups will offer considerably less overall volume potential but can
prove to be more cost-efficient due to the likelihood of a higher rate of
conversion and the ability to offer a more direct user experience.
Yes, you’re sacrificing the potential of big traffic but while doing this you
should also be saving yourself a hefty chunk of budget as well. The key to
successful modern day paid search keyword selection is finding highly relevant
terms and making an impact on those keywords in line with a strong conversion
rate from the traffic they generate. This requires intelligent upfront
selection, an understanding of your audience and keeping a close eye on rate of
conversion by keyword on an ongoing basis.
Long tail keywords attract more targeted traffic but also allow you to select
ideal landing pages for the searched term and the user’s overall benefit. This
shortens the click path between arriving at the site and finding what it is the
user is looking for. As an example, when looking at specific product keywords,
direct the user to the most relevant product page, don’t make them browse if
you don’t need to.
Create unique and engaging website content
This should be a no brainer but to truly add value for your audience you need
to be able to provide unique and exciting content that resonates with them.
Don’t follow the crowd, create a unique spin on news and trends in your
industry while creating some of your own. If you don’t stand out, then your
audience has no real reason to choose you over a competitor.
Social media is a huge discovery tool for users to find new brands and engage
with them. Yet so many brands post without enough thought and strategy behind
their messaging. Write compelling short blogs or create infographics so that
when you post you have more than just products to use to bait users on to your
site for the first time.
Content like this is also a huge advantage when it comes to your SEO
advancements. Unique content ideally backed up with user interaction like a
blog with comments or product review pages add to the site’s overall content,
keyword count and authority. All factors which will help improve your rankings
in organic search but also boost conversions from new users.
Use niche social media targeting options
Social media has become one of the ripest sources for generating targeted
Not only is social media
advertising audience targeting an extremely powerful tool for fine tuning your
advertising exposure to the right people, but it’s also one of the top
platforms for content discovery.
With the huge amount of demographic and behavioural data captured by social
media platforms including the likes of Facebook and Instagram, they allow for
some very granular targeting options when it comes to your advertising. Many
small and new comer brands have made a big impact with minimal spend by having
a very specific audience to target and get their message out to. Gender,
relationship status, physical geo location or even likes and associated
interests can be used to carve out your perfect audience segment.
Utilise the power of this targeting and ensure you back it up with a message
that directly suits the audience you have chosen. If you feel your audience is
still too broad, split the larger group into smaller segments by age and gender
as a starting point and customise your creative and messaging appropriately to
have the best chance of capturing attention on a potentially cluttered
platform. Pay attention to your engagement rates and adjust your campaign and
creative as you progress.
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