When you have a great looking new website, you need content that does the fresh, stylish new look justice. For that, you need effective content. Effective content connects with your visitor. It leads them through your sales funnel. It resonates with them. It speaks their language. And it makes them want to tell others, which means more links and more traffic for you.If you’re sitting down to whip your content into shape after getting the first look at your new ecommerce web design, keep our golden rules for effective copy in mind.
Rule 1: Ditch the
Effective copy cuts through the clutter and makes connection with the reader. It’s rarely if
ever jargon heavy. Think straightforward, succinct and concise. With the
majority of web traffic now originating from mobile devices, write with this
smaller screen in mind. That means keeping sentences short and snappy so the
context is easier to get. Not having huge chunks of text which require lots of
awkward scrolling. And again, no jargon. Your aim isn’t to bamboozle your
reader, it’s to engage with them. To have them add to basket or click to call. Tip:
if you’re
finding it hard to write jargon free, ask a friend or family member to read
through your draft and highlight jargon that they don’t understand. Rule 2: Be
If you’re writing an article, blog post or white paper, you
want to ensure first and foremost that you meet the good quality content
benchmark. This not only helps to get your content ranking on Google, it
immediately signals to your visitor that your post is worth their time.You can pull of being authoritative in a number of ways. The
most obvious way is to have a subject expert write the article. Another way is
to cite credible, recent research, such as industries studies or surveys. Back
up claims and facts with links to respected sources. Use quotes from respected
figureheads. Tip:
content makes superb evergreen content. Just be sure to check back and update
it at least annually with newer studies or the latest data.
Rule 3: Don’t sell,
sell, sell
Even seasoned copywriters can fall into the habit of sell,
sell, sell. Unless we’re talking about a very specific landing page, this is
usually an uneffective method of communication. To make your content more
effective, focus on how you can help your customer. What problem are you
solving for them? What fear are you allying? How are you saving the time or
money or otherwise making their lives easier?Showing you understand your customer’s needs, their pain
points and what they are looking for is so much more effective than leaping in
both feet first with a flat out sales pitch.
Rule 4: Use visuals
Visual content is such an effective edition to any piece of
content you may be crafting that it’s impossible to overstate its importance.
Whether you’re writing a blog or crafting an email, think visual to make an
impact.Blog posts and articles especially can benefit from the
addition of visuals. It serves to break up large tracts of text and can add
context to the subject at hand or illustrate difficult concepts. Tip:
content can take many forms – photos, gifs, memes, videos, slideshows,
infographics… get creative to be effective.
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