With that in mind here are some tips on how to keep visitors on your desired landing pages and reduce their bounce rate: Removing the Main Navigation People still look at us sideways when we suggest this move but trust us, it works! The thought of a web page without the page navigation just goes against the status quo doesn’t it? But in reality, it’s all in your head and there is no need for this restriction. Having the main navigation prominent is there to help users move around your site with ease, but when it comes to pages you don’t want the user to leave, this functionality is useless, you want to keep them on this page.So, take the leap and remove the main navigation from those high engagement pages to keep your users on track with the activity you want to guide them towards. It’s a bold move but it’s also highly effective.While you’re taking steps like this, keep in mind that any pages with predefined actions you want the user to take need to be clear and not riddled with links that will take them off page. Streamline your pages. Less is More As true now as it has always been, a cluttered and text heavy landing page with too much content squeezed in is just plain unappealing for the user. It’s scruffy and unprofessional looking but it also immediately looks like it’s going to be a lot of work for the user to find what they want.Keep it simple, particularly with important landing pages. Use a single column page approach with minimal side bars and link branches. Embrace white space and don’t worry if the page appears minimalistic, users would much prefer and follow this style over clutter and mess. Offer Reassurance On important landing pages where you’re looking for a user to take some kind of action with you, this is the perfect place to include those accreditations and awards logos. Don’t write about it just drop them in without cluttering the page. Their presence subliminally and consciously helps the user to feel more secure when taking actions with you especially if it’s the first time.This is also the time to include any highlighted testimonials or sterling reviews for your brand. Again, be selective and keep in minimal so it’s not distracting from the narrative of the page too much.
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