Content is one of your greatest marketing assets as an entrepreneur – but we know that it can be a huge challenge to consistently create the type of content that makes a tangible impact with your audience. The kind of content that generates emails, calls, comments, shares and social media likes. Today though, with so many voices shouting to be heard – not to mention the need to juggle other responsibilities such as the day-to-day running of your business – it can be hard to consistently output the kind of content that delivers the results you need.
Try these easy ways to ensure that you’re sharing strong, thought-provoking and useful pieces each time:
Your audience will naturally be more interested in a piece of content that reflects things they are going through right now. It’s here that keeping your finger on the pulse of news and current affairs can be incredibly helpful as you’ll automatically be better placed to create content that speaks to problems, concerns and challenges that your audience is experiencing right now.
News headlines this month for example have been dominated by supply chain issues. A piece which recognises how this might impact your client’s business along with information as to how your services could help them mitigate those pressures addresses an immediate problem, making interest and engagement much more likely.
As an entrepreneur, you possess a wealth of transferrable skills and knowledge. You’re also an expert in your field, whether that’s SEO, content marketing or app design. An opinion piece sharing your considered thoughts and reflections on a subject related to your operations is insightful, informative and thought-provoking. It’s also unique because it speaks to your own experiences, your observations and expectations. That makes for a much more compelling read than a rehash of something that is already out there.
There is no marketing rule requiring you to only ever create brand new content. Older content can be successfully brought back to life and used in many different ways with a little effort. Blog posts can be broken down to create a series of social media posts and social graphics for example – you can create images with quotes, facts and stats to share on Stories and on your feed, along with longer posts directing social audiences back to your blog. Your most helpful content pieces can be grouped together and given a new lease of life as an essential guide or free downloadable while pieces that are out of date can be updated with new information and republished.
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