A trend that was predicted by many leading internet analysts a few years ago has finally come to fruition with the latest internet usage study revealed by an internationally recognised internet monitoring firm, StatCounter. Research conducted by StatCounter found that internet access from mobile devices was more popular than desktop computers for the first time. Internet traffic from mobile and tablet devices reached 51.2 percent versus desktop access which reached 48.7 during the same period. This is a significant change in user preferences who have traditionally favoured desktop over mobile devices when it came to accessing and consuming information online.
Many analysts are now predicting this as a watershed moment as it is the first time that internet access from a mobile device has surpassed desktop access. Furthermore, with mobile devices growing in popularity around the world it is unlikely desktop usage can reverse this trend in the long term. We can attribute the popularity of mobile internet access to the rise in social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram as a catalyst for stimulating growth within this area.
Another interesting aspect of the research conducted by StatCounter centred on how market maturity played a role in internet access and usage. Emerging markets, such as India and Brazil, are heavily focused on mobile as the dominant method for accessing the internet whereas mature markets such as the UK and USA are still favouring desktop, but the gap is narrowing quickly.
One striking result of this research that is sure to seize the attention of mobile marketers and industry analysts is the relatively low number of companies that have dedicated a mobile first approach to their internet and web services. For example, navigate to the website of many local businesses you frequently visit and you will find a relatively small proportion have a mobile optimised website or a mobile app to offer customers a truly mobile experience.
In a world that is increasingly becoming accustomed to mobile devices this is a missed opportunity for many businesses as they are failing to provide for a large proportion of web traffic that expects mobile related content. Another study revealed by Google early this year found that more searches are now conducted through mobile platforms than on desktop which again points to mobile being the platform of choice for many users.
In the face of all this evidence, why are many businesses around the world neglecting the importance of mobile? In our opinion, it is based on a number of factors such as awareness, accessibility, cost and expertise in deploying a mobile centric solution. For example, many businesses are unaware of the trend that has emerged recently with mobile usage out performing desktop usage. This affords the opportunity for client focused, savvy mobile marketers to educate business owners on why placing mobile at the heart of their web services is crucial to resonating with potential customers.
With the cost of mobile devices and software such as mobile apps or mobile websites becoming more affordable, there has never been a better time for businesses across the globe to focus their activities on this popular platform. As with the adoption of many previous technologies, it is a question of when and not if, with regards to when businesses become mobile centric.
To find out how you can help businesses develop and deploy cutting edge mobile solutions to meet the expectations of mobile users please contact us today.
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