The start of a New Year is a great opportunity to take a fresh look at your marketing strategy. If you have only recently taken up an app business opportunity, there really couldn’t be a better time to set out your goals, objectives and plan of attack for the next 12 months. Whether you’re an old hand at app development or an entrepreneur fairly new to running an app development business, here are the marketing resolutions we highly recommend you consider making for the year ahead…
#1 Create more meaningful, useful content
Modern consumers are savvy. They know how to shop around, they have endless access to information and they expect brands to add value to them. This is also true for business to business users. That’s why are top suggestion for a New Year’s marketing resolution for 2018 is to create more meaningful and more useful content. If your content doesn’t add value to your reader’s day-to-day life, the majority will consider it clutter. The harsh reality is studies such as the Meaningful Brands survey find that those are the brands consumers don’t care about. Pledge to up your content game. Be useful and helpful. Give practical tips, actionable advice and share your knowledge generously.
#2 Use social media correctly
If you are guilty of only posting updates when you have something to sell or a special offer to plug, or if you only ever post sales messages, your second resolution should be use social media more strategically. Social media fans don’t follow brands or like pages to be sold too. They want to be informed, entertained, kept up-to-date about news they care about and educated. Think about why you follow an account on social media. Identify what it is that you like about it and consider how you can replicate that in your app development business. This is an opportunity to create a deeper connection and foster engagement and loyalty. Use it!
#3 Strike out of your comfort zone
If you only ever do the same thing, the saying goes that you’ll only ever get the same results. So, why not resolve to try at least one new marketing method this year? Whether that’s taking up an opportunity to give a seminar at an industry event, trying some PPC ads for the first time or perhaps finally writing that e-book to use as a lead generator, resolve to step a little outside of your comfort zone this New Year.
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