The annual state of the app market report is out and it is jam packed with a tonne of interesting statistics spanning every possible app topic from usage statistics and consumer spend levels to global app download volumes and the ever increasing popularity of gaming. Read on for some of the most fascinating numbers, stats and reveals from the report…
1. 18 billion hours spent in shopping apps…
It seems that us smartphone users can’t get enough of retail therapy on the go as the App Annie report reveals that a total of 18 billion hours was spent on shopping apps in 2018. This is an impressive 45% increase since 2016. In the USA, sessions grew by 70% in the same time period while Thai shoppers managed a whopping 475% growth since 2016.
2. And shopping app time is linked to better ecommerce sales
The increased amount of time spent on mobile shopping apps is also good news for retailers, who have been able to parlay this trend into physical in store and online store sales. By 2021, App Annie forecasts mobile will account for three quarters of all ecommerce transactions.
3. Flash sales and shopping events for mobile flourished in 2018
Flash sales and shopping events for mobile users was a huge money maker for savvy apps in 2018 - $5 billion was spent on mobile devices across the Black Friday weekend in November and a mammoth $30.8 billion was spent worldwide on Alibaba’s Singles Day.
4. Food and drinks apps are booming
Apps which enable users access to food and drinks products and services are booming in popularity with mobile app users sourcing food and drink items 130% more in 2018 than 2016. Fast food apps and food delivery service apps have proved especially popular. This growth was biggest in France, which recorded a 325% increase, and Australia at 300%.
5. Downloads of banking and finance apps have spiked 75%
Globally, there has been an increase of 75% in the download of banking and finance apps, fuelled by emerging markets such as Brazil, India and Indonesia, where growth has been strongest. Use of the apps is also going strong, with UK users checking their banking app once daily, while in Australia, the rate is even higher at ten times per week on average.
6. WhatsApp is the most used social and communications app
Globally, WhatsApp is the most used social and communications app, even surpassing the mighty Facebook. It also has more active monthly users. Half of all mobile time is spent on communication and social networking apps.
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