Facebook has just announced that it will be making changes to its News Feed algorithms in order to alter the type of content that is prioritised. The global social media platform is aiming to increase the number of meaningful interactions by reducing the amount of content from business brands and media outlets.
The announcement comes shortly after a comment from company chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg who claimed that branded content is making it harder for users to share personal moments. Connectivity and social interaction is the platform that Facebook was founded on but since the boom of the information market, the company seemed to lose its way and became a receptical for advertising and branded content. However, this latest move shows a desire to rectify this issue.
One of the major issues that has contributed to the fall of personal content is the huge spike in videos and public posts. This was one of the problems brought up by Zuckerberg in his announcement. Although Facebook has provided a globally active platform for companies to promote their brand, it has experienced a shift away from the core values of connectivity. The CEO says branded content drowns out personal posts and limits interaction between friends and family.
According to Zuckerberg, part of the research that has gone into the redesigning of Facebook’s News Feed focused on the effects of social media on personal well-being and mental health. Academic studies have shown that connecting with people we care about can improve well-being. This is one of the driving forces powering the move to limited branded content.
As it stands, it’s not clear how the effects of the News Feed changes will affect the success of digital marketing strategies for companies around the world. Facebook has long since dialled down organic reach of business page content, encouraging companies to invest in social advertising to reach their demographic.
The new strategy will not only reduce the amount of branded content that shows up in News Feed but will also hold it to the same standards. The specifics of what is meant by this are yet to be announced but it seems that media promotors and digital marketers may have to think more carefully about their strategy and the content they post.
As the changes of the new algorithms are implemented, Facebook will undoubtedly face some teething problems in addition to a backlash from publishers and brands who rely heavily on the platform for promotional purposes. Regardless, it will be interesting to see how these new changes will affect the dynamic of Facebook.
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