As a busy business owner, you have lots on your mind on a day to day basis. Whether that is acquiring new customers or dealing with your accountant, the modern day business owner is constantly racing against the clock to get tasks done. With that being said, the focus of our blog this week is to highlight an area that is often neglected by businesses throughout the UK, namely, training your staff.
Training your staff and giving them continuous professional development (CPD) does not need to be expensive or time consuming. Many businesses in the UK fail to address the issue of developing and training their staff, which often results in a negative impact on your business. Training employees is an investment that aids productivity and the benefits far outweigh the associated costs.
Some of the benefits you can achieve by training your staff include:
• Increase their productivity and quality of work
• Increase your overall profits
• Increase customer motivation
• Improve customer satisfaction
• Give you a competitive advantage
• Reduce staff turnover and absenteeism
The very fact that your employees play a pivotal role in the success of your business means you should view this element as vital to your long term success. We live in an information age, with many businesses judged on their physical and intellectual capital. Training is one of the primary methods of maintaining and improving intellectual capital so the quality of an organisations training affects its overall value.
So how can you train your staff? Well, there are a number of methods that you can use to get positive results. These include:
• Job rotation
• On-the-job training
• Classroom training & technical seminars
• Online training
• Mentoring
There is no hard and fast rule in terms of what training methods to utilise with your employees. Your main objective should be to give your employees new skills that allow your business to maintain its competitive advantage. However, don’t forget to take this opportunity to train yourself in the process. Learning new skills and going on a knowledge journey can positively influence your life as you can develop both technically and as a person.
To find out how Eazi-Apps can give you the skills, knowledge and resources to enter the exciting world of mobile technology, please contact us today!
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