We have helped over 35 entrepreneurs launch their own business this year, and many of those people have been researching Eazi-Apps for some time. But how do you know if you’re ready to become your own boss?
You are frustrated with the way things are managed at work and believe you can operate your own business better. Perhaps you have additional skills that you would like to use or have the experience to make the right decisions.
You are tired of performing the similar tasks on a daily basis and are ready to take on a new challenge. Whilst we provide all new network members with 2 days training and 6 week mentoring you have to believe in developing your skills and overcoming new challenges.
You may be ready to kick-start a new venture but the market needs to be ready for your product. There has always been a huge game between the development of technology and its commercial application. Mobile phones and mobile software have been around for a long time, but it has taken 25 years of innovation and cost reduction for smartphones to hit the mainstream.
You find your work unsatisfying or your work environment depressing. If you’re going to spend half of your waking life working, that work should contribute directly towards your happiness.
You have support systems in place to rely upon when you’re launching your business. This could come in the form of a supportive spouse or partnering with the right organisation. Whilst many of our own partners benefit from telephone and email support, it’s our new business mentoring that is making a huge difference to people launching a business for the first time.
If any of the above resonates with you it could be time to make a change. We have helped over 90+ entrepreneurs launch businesses in over 35 countries. If you are ready to make a change and launch your first business please contact us today.
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